
Studio or on-location

We’ve got everything to showcase your business – cameras, lighting, backdrops, and a drone. Whether in the studio or on-location, we’ll make you look amazing!

Home 9 Services 9 Brand & Stock Photography
Product photography for ecommerce website design NH photography studio

People, Places & Things


  • Headshots and working staff photos or models ( I don’t photograph events or the general public due to privacy)
  • Fully equipped studio with extensive options for in-studio or on-location shoots.
  • Trust Roxanne’s expertise to create working headshots and staff photography


  • Specializing in capturing the unique qualities of different places and spaces
  • Expertise in interior, exterior, and site grounds photography, ensuring exceptional results.
  • Contact Roxanne today to elevate your business with stunning visual imagery.


  • Exceptional brand product photography showcasing your products in the best light possible.
  • Portable lighting, backdrops, and modifiers for perfect settings, whether in-studio or on-location.
  • Roxanne’s attention to detail ensures your brand’s products impress customers.

Stock Photography


Travel and Tourism Stock Photography

SunnValley offers expert stock photography services tailored for travel and tourism projects. Roxanne captures the essence of a destination with high-quality, captivating images.

Local Stock Library

Explore our extensive library of local stock photos, perfect for decorating your home or office. Use our local stock as free low-resolution images in any design media created by SunnValley. Check out our stock image policy.

Versatile Usage

Enhance your projects with professionally captured stock photos that tell a story. Choose from our local stock library for a touch of authenticity in your visual content.

Printable Quality

Print and frame our local stock images for personalized and aesthetic decor solutions. Access high-resolution images that maintain quality even in printed formats.

Integrated Media Services

We can integrate stock photography into your design projects handled by SunnValley.  Enjoy the convenience of utilizing our stock images as part of our comprehensive design services.

Local Stock Waterfall Image